Daredevil #85
CharactersBlack WidowDaredevil Foggy Nelson Gladiator I Ivan Karen Page Matt Murdock Nathaniel Taggart Phil Hichok |
A 747 climbs out of London as Matt Murdock, Natasha and Ivan relax and reflect on recent events. Matt is reminding himself to be weary of Ivan as his relationship with Natasha develops. His thoughts are interrupted by a fellow Yank introduced as Nathaniel Taggart, salesman from Milwaukee. It's then that our hero notices the other occupants of the airplane's lounge. In particular a trio of young men and a man reading a newspaper make Matt focus. Suddenly one of the young men grabs the stewardess and threatens her if anybody moves! The man with the paper quickly organizes the trio. Ivan rushes the punk that acted first and Natasha creates a diversion for Matt to change into Daredevil. Ivan is getting the best of his fight when the a gun is pulled on another occupant of the lounge. DD bursts from his lavatory hiding spot to quickly unarm the punk and plans to investigate the upper story of the plane. But a buzzing sound behind DD reveals the Gladiator!
And with that the editor feels we must check in with Karen Page. She and Phil jump into a cab and he apparently convinces her to marry him! Meanwhile, in another part of town, Foggy comes to realize that his actions of the past weeks have ultimately betrayed no one more importantly than himself.
But enough soap and opera, back to the 747! The fight begins but Ivan holds back the Widow. Gladiator reveals his hand as one of his henchmen has half a pound of explosives taped to his chest. This hijacking to Mexico is almost a certainty now! Gladdy gloats and commences to rob the passengers. Mr. Taggart has not been rounded up though and he helps to free ol' Horn-head who then decides to not free Natasha for her own good. This plan doesn't go over to well with the Widow. One by one DD lures the Gladiator flunkies out of the airplane cabin and beats them senseless while Mr. Taggart, engineer, dismantles the bomb! DD gives it to Gladdy real good but the landing cable and radar has been damaged during the meale. Matt has to guide the plane down with his super senses. They land with a belly flop in New York. As the passengers disembark Karen Page comes running out of the crowd and plants a big on out hero's lips. A single tear escapes the Widows' eye as Ivan offers to take her home.
To be continued!
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