Hello, and welcome to My name is Kuljit Mithra and I've been running this site for over 25 years. I've been a Daredevil fan for over 35. While the site is primarily a one man operation, I value the contributions by Daredevil fans all over the world. Got some fan art or anything DD-related you want to share? Send me an e-mail!

Please feel free to contact me at:

question [at] manwithoutfear [dot] com

Due to the volume of spam I've been receiving, I've put spaces in the address. When addressing e-mail to me, please ensure to not include these spaces and replace the 'at' with '@'.

Also, putting "DAREDEVIL" in the subject line would help me find your e-mail.

Please note that I do get MANY questions, so if you need a question answered quickly, post it on the message board if you are a registered member. Otherwise, an answer from me may take a few days or even a few weeks. If I don't get back to you, it means I never received it because of a spam filter. Please try again. Thank you.

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The TV spots keep coming...

Another DD: BORN AGAIN Commercial

Promotion is well underway...

Jersey, hoodie, jacket and more

New BoxLunch Daredevil Exclusives

Lots of cool DD items for sale...

Some hockey ads, and talk show appearances coming

Another DD: BORN AGAIN Commercial

Promotion is well underway...




COMICS: Volume 1 | Volume 2 | Volume 3 | Volume 4 | Volume 5 | Volume 6 | Volume 7 | Volume 8 | Annuals | Appearances | Costumes | Digital Comics | Hardcovers | Key Issues | Logos | Origin | Price Guide | Recommended | Secret Identity | Sales Data | Titles | Trades | Untold Tales

CREATORS: Cover Artists | Inkers | Pencillers | Writers

MEDIA: Actors | Books | Cartoons | Computer Fun! | Movies | Music | Pictures | Sightings | Sketches | Video Games | Wallpapers

FANS: Fan Art | Fan Costumes | Fan Custom Figures | Fan Fiction | Fan Films | Fan Guitars | Fan Tattoos  

Daredevil (and other related characters appearing) and the distinctive likenesses are Trademarks of Marvel Characters, Inc. and are used WITHOUT permission.
Copyright © 2024 Marvel Characters, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Visit Created January 16, 1996.
Last Modified - Saturday, 16-Jan-2021 13:45:58 PST is owned and operated by Kuljit Mithra.
Web site is © Kuljit Mithra 1996-2025.