Creator ListingsVolume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
Volume 5
Volume 6
Daredevil Inkers (Sorted by Issue)Ryan, Matt - -1, 353-357, 359-362, 364-365Everett, Bill - 001, 021, 083Ditko, Steve - 001, 162Colletta, Vince - 002-004, 043-045, 113-118, 120-123Wood, Wally - 005-008, 010-011Powell, Bob - 009Sr., John Romita - 012-013Ray, Frankie - 014-017Giacoia, Frank - 018-025, 027, 036, 038, 101-102, 112Ayers, Dick - 021-022, 028Colan, Gene - 026Tartaglione, John - 029-035, 037, 040-041, 100Tuska, George - 039Adkins, Dan - 042Klein, George - 046-049, 051, 053-054Craig, Johnny - 050, 052Shores, Syd - 055-075, 084-085, 099Palmer, Tom - 076-080, 086-095, 342-343Abel, Jack - 081-082Chua, Ernie - 096-098Trapani, Sal - 103-104, 106Perlin, Don - 105Buscema, Sal - 107Gulacy, Paul - 108Heck, Don - 109, 119Chiaramonte, Frank - 110Mooney, Jim - 111, 133-139, 141-142, 145-146Janson, Klaus - 124-132, 140, 147-152, 156-161, 163-190, 192-197, 234Pollard, Keith - 143Green, Dan - 144DeZuniga, Tony - 153, 244-246Leialoha, Steve - 154, 238Springer, Frank - 155Rubinstein, Joe - 163Austin, Terry - 191Mignola, Mike - 197Bulanadi, Danny - 198-213, 235, 237, 242-243McDonnell, Luke - 202Candido, Mel - 207, 224Redding, Pat - 212Mazzucchelli, David - 214-217, 220-221, 225, 227-233Akin, Ian/Garvey, Brian - 218Talaoc, Gerry - 219DeMulder, Kim - 222-223Patterson, Bruce - 224Janke, Dennis - 226Wiacek, Bob/Windsor-Smith, Barry - 236Williamson, Al - 237, 239-240, 243, 248-257, 259-285, 287-289, 293-300, 349, 366Isherwood, Geof - 239Milgrom, Al - 241, 362Hunt, Dave - 247Sanders-III, Jim - 258Manley, Mike - 264Morgan, Tom - 283Hazlewood, Doug - 286Weeks, Lee - 288Fredricks, Fred - 289-292Ivy, Chris - 301-303, 305LaRosa, Bud - 304, 306-318, 339, 367-368, 370, 373Adams, Greg - 318Collazo, Hector - 319, 321-327, 329-332Candelario, Harry - 319, 367, 370Oeming, Mike Avon - 320, 324Rankin, Rich - 322-323, 330Ariane, Z. - 328Kryssing, Ray - 333Hudson, Don - 334-340Parks, Ande - 338-340Ramos, Rodney - 339Severin, Marie - 340Nicholls, Art - 341Reinhold, Bill - 344-348, 350McCain, Ron - 347McManus, Shawn - 351-352Ferry, Pascual/Mendoza, Jaime/Thibert, Art - 358Barta, Hilary - 362Neary, Paul/Smith, Cam - 363Brito, Pier - 369, 371-372, 374-375Carlson, Chris/Jones, Robert/Leon, John Paul/Lipka, Mark - 375Hanna, Scott - 375, 377-378Martin, Jason - 376, 379Campanella, Robert - 380 |
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