Daredevil #295
CharactersBaron Von StruckerDaredevil Ghost Rider II Kingpin Maltese Matt Murdock Peter Scott (WFET) The Hand Typhoid Mary |
Leaping from his position overlooking a children's playground, Daredevil takes out two members of The Hand. As he lands the Ghost Rider crashes through the playground fence. The Ghost Rider has been mystically following the trail of spilled blood from the Tombstone/Taskmaster murders which led him to The Hand.
The Jonin instructs Izanami to grant two of the ninja additional speed and strength to detain the heroes while they escape with Commissioner Harris. Returning to the battle, they each take one of the heroes. Once Daredevil wins his final battle, he finds Ghost Rider subjecting his opponent to his penance stare. Normally this power reflects all acts of violence that the person as committed back at them as a form of punishment, causing psychological trauma as a side effect. In this case, the supernatural forces of Ghost Rider and The Hand clash, resulting in a type of audible feedback.
Daredevil attempts to separate them. Through their mystic link, he experiences one of the ninja's recent memories. In this memory Baron Von Strucker challenges one of The Hand's leaders to a sword fight for control of their organization -- and wins. When they finally break contact, the ninja dissolves.
Both heroes are somewhat off-balance after the experience. Daredevil is less affected as he was simply an observer; Ghost Rider, being the conduit, is very unsteady. Ghost Rider stumbles toward his motorcycle and reverts to Dan Ketch, his human host. Ketch then passes out due to exhaustion. Matt drops Ketch at the church where Sister Maggie resides to rest. He then has Mad Dog, his informant, locate The Hand's current hideout. Mad Dog tells him that they're in a former nightclub called "Above and Below".
In the abandoned nightclub, the Jonin explains to his captives that the victims of the recent Tombstone/Taskmaster "initiation" can be tied to them. He represents criminals from Hong Kong who wish to transfer their operations to New York. He clearly states his intention to make this happen with their assistance. He offers them a choice: easy or difficult.
When none of them answer, he decides to sacrifice one of them to The Beast to prove his intentions. While he makes the
preparations, Daredevil appears in the window and announces his presence.
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