Daredevil #349
CharactersKaren PageMatt Murdock Sister Maggie Stick |
Continuing where the last issue left off, a previously assumed dead
beats on Murdock until he finally strikes back, knocking Stick out the
window. Once out the window, all traces of Stick vanish, leaving our hero
wonder even more about his sanity. Karen then confronts Matt about him
allowing her to believe he was dead. The couple has a long heart to heart
talk in which Matt tells her everything. Karen forgives him and Matt goes
search of Stick.
Matt Murdock finds Stick seated high on a ledge. They chat and, after
playing all of Stick's Zen reindeer games, Matt is kicked unconscious.
he comes around, he finds he's in a grave yard with Stick and what appears
be the three Daredevils, each in a different costume.
Guest Appearance:
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