Daredevil #298
CharactersBaron Von StruckerCol. Strang Daredevil Dum-Dum Dugan Kingpin Mad Dog Maltese Matt Murdock Mr. Molare Nick Fury Piercey |
While working on his disbarment appeal, Matt Murdock is attacked by two men in high-tech suits. Putting aside his secret identity, he leads his attackers to the roof of the building. Despite his best efforts, he is captured by the two using an advanced porous compound that encases him from head to toe. Once he is secured, it is revealed that this is a S.H.I.E.L.D. operation with Tim "Dum Dum" Dugan as lead. He is not happy about this assignment.
The absence of Typhoid Mary has not gone unnoticed by the Kingpin. While waiting for her to report in (and fighting off thoughts of Vanessa) he severs his alliance with Colonel Strang, taking full control of WFET.
Elsewhere Matt Murdock is released from his cocoon and has a meeting with Nick Fury. Fury advises him to call off his revenge on Kingpin as they are trying to use his connection with a "interested party" S.H.I.E.L.D is observing to bring them down. He is then taken away by an agent to first be encased in the porous compound and then returned to the city.
He escapes the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and breaks into a curiously unguarded computer room. He finds the console and begins typing in specific words about the Kingpin; one of them causes the system to retrieve all data on Fisk. He is able to read the text on the monitor with his fingers based on the phosphorescent light emitted for each character. He quickly learns that Hydra is actually behind The Hand's recent activities (#292-296). In addition he learns of the Kingpin's unwitting association with Hydra in his television studios venture, which is illegal. This may be the crime that will convict the untouchable Kingpin. He then escapes and leaks this information to the criminal underworld.
This is exactly what Fury had planned all along: bring Murdock unofficially (and unknowingly) into the loop and trick him into taking down the Kingpin and his associates. As he explains to Dugan, S.H.I.E.L.D's last battle with Hydra resulted in the deaths of 1500 men and their reputation was all but destroyed. Fury isn't happy about doing this, but it has to be done.
The news of Hydra's involvement in his organization eventually makes its way to Kingpin as does Mr. Molare, a representative of Hydra. He was sent by Baron Von Strucker to present a deal that would keep their association secret in exchange for a 50% stake in his television enterprise with .creative input.. Otherwise they will insist on 70%. Kingpin kills Molare in his office and orders him to be buried in the Meadowlands.
Elsewhere Daredevil pays a visit to Nick Fury to tell him that he heard his conversation with Dugan and knows he's being manipulated. He'll do the job, but his way and for his reasons.
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