Daredevil #69
CharactersBlack PantherCharlie Daredevil Eddie Lonnie Carver Thunderbolts |
Our story opens in a Harlem Alley. One paid off night watchman later
and larceny is a foot! "Holy Crud! It's--- Daredevil!" Our hero
comes crashing through the skylight and takes out the criminals and
nervous watchman. The get away truck doesn't get far before crashing
into a wall. As DD pulls the driver out we find he finds just a kid
in need of emergency medical care. Luckily the Black Panther drops
in on 'ol Horn Head and together they race off to the hospital
curtsey of an off duty taxi. Daredevil calls in a favor by one Dr.
Kraft. As surgery progresses our heroes make for roof top and some
fresh air. Here's where the Black Panther reveals what he was doing
out in Harlem. It turns out the boy get away driver is a student of
BP's teaching alter ego Mr. Charles. This Lonnie Carver has a
brother just returned from Vietnam and the Black Panther ends up
breaking up a fight between the Billy Carver and a gang called the
Thunderbolts. A gang incidentally who counts as a member Turk!. BP
then tells DD that he is Mr. Charles and that he knows our hero is
really blind lawyer Matt Murdock. A nurse comes up to the roof
inform the duo that Lonnie has pulled through! As the boy drifts in
delirium he reveals that he cooled on school to be a Thunderbolt just
like his bro Billy. Only Billy is gone now. DD and the Panther
split on a hunch by Matt where the Thunderbolts may be. The gang is
planning on robbing an armory with Billy as an ace. Once again the
lights go out and our heroes start punchin! Unfortunately a brother
flicks his BIC and our crusaders are revealed. While Panther catches
some bile about the establishments brother DD attacks with the billy
club and Billy clubs the gang head. It turns out Billy was working
in DA Nelsons office and helped Daredevil find the Thunderbolts and
hopefully who is behind their activity. Little and big bro's are
reunited and our acrobatic heroes take breather for a Coke.
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