Daredevil #367

Title:"Cruel & Unusual Punishments"
Writer:Joe Kelly
Penciler:Gene Colan
Inker:Bud LaRosa/Harry Candelario
Cover:Gene Colan/Scott Hanna
Colours:Christie 'Max' Scheele
Letters:Richard Starkings & Comicraft's EM & LA
Editor:Jaye Gardner
Assistant Editor:Dan Hosek
Date:Sept. 1997
Cover Price:1.99,2.80


Gladiator II
Karen Page
Kathy Malper
Matt Murdock
Mr. Fear (Lawrence Cranston)
Vincent Grazia

Daredevil #366

Daredevil #368

Bud LaRosa
Volume 1 - -1 304 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 339 367 368 370 373
Volume 2 - None
Volume 3 - None
Volume 4 - None
Volume 5 - None
Volume 6 - None
Volume 7 - None
Volume 8 - None
Gene Colan
Volume 1 - -1 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 100 110 112 116 124 138 153 154 156 157 363 364 365 366 367 368 370
Volume 2 - 20 50 100
Volume 3 - None
Volume 4 - None
Volume 5 - None
Volume 6 - None
Volume 7 - None
Volume 8 - None
Harry Candelario
Volume 1 - 319 367 370
Volume 2 - None
Volume 3 - None
Volume 4 - None
Volume 5 - None
Volume 6 - None
Volume 7 - None
Volume 8 - None
Joe Kelly
Volume 1 - -1 358 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375
Volume 2 - None
Volume 3 - None
Volume 4 - None
Volume 5 - None
Volume 6 - None
Volume 7 - None
Volume 8 - None
Scott Hanna
Volume 1 - 367 375 377 378
Volume 2 - None
Volume 3 - None
Volume 4 - None
Volume 5 - None
Volume 6 - 36
Volume 7 - 2
Volume 8 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Issue Summary

The riot continues at Riker's Island, as Matt stands before Mr. Fear and the new Gladiator. The fear gas is taking its effect on Matt and Vinnie. The Gladiator smacks Matt around and Vinnie continues to whine that this situation is all his fault. Matt struggles, as he hallucinates a conversation with his father. The Gladiator prepares for another punch.
Meanwhile, at WFSK, Karen shows up for work only to find the station is being shut down by the city. Kathy Malpher wants to question Karen about her boss and the two women don't see eye to eye on Karen's innocence in the whole thing.
Back at Riker's, the Gladiator continues his assault, but is bothered by the fact Matt is not putting up a fight. The Gladiator finds no honour in disposing of Matt in this way. Matt is still 'talking' to his father while the Gladiator punches him again. Mr. Fear leaves to execute the second phase of his plans. Matt is allowed a last request by the Gladiator, and he asks that his face is covered, so he can face death alone. The Gladiator rips some fabric of his costume and covers Matt's face.
At WFSK, Karen argues with Malpher about who the boss really is, and what is Karen's connection with Daredevil. The meeting is interrupted as a policeman tells Malpher that a riot has broken out at Riker's Island. Mr. Fear has been spotted as well.
With his face now covered, Matt gets confidence and overcomes the effects of the gas. As the Gladiator throws a blade at him, Matt ducks and deflects the blade with his billy club. It hits the electric box and the lights go out. Someone lights a match and Daredevil 'appears'. The two fight as the gas begins to dissipate. The Gladiator gets the upper hand, but then Vinnie helps out by spraying the attacker with a firehose. Vinnie has finally gotten over the effects of the gas. The force of the water knocks the helmet off of the Gladiator and Daredevil takes advantage of this and defeats him by crushing his windpipe. Daredevil scares the remaining prisoners back to their cells.
Mr. Fear is nowhere to be found as the SWAT team arrives. The Gladiator is taken into custody. Vinnie is able to recant his confession of stealing chemicals and he may get a new trial...
With reports of all inmates back in their cells, it is shown that somebody else has escaped. A bloody '3' is scrawled on a wall over a dead body.
Next issue, Omega Red!

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