Daredevil #92
CharactersBlack PantherBlue Talon Charles Commissioner O'Hara Damon Dran Danny French Daredevil Ivan Jonah Matt Murdock Willie Boy |
San Francisco, California
Matt is very angry because Natasha has left. Ivan chastises him for throwing this tantrum (and the crockery, trashing the place) and tells Matt to just go out and look for Natasha, something to do with "a globe". Matt dons the costume and goes swinging around the city in search of her. He intercepts a robbery.
Willie Boy is roughing up a storekeeper who killed his little brother in a botched robbery attempt. Daredevil gives Willie Boy a beating and a lecture about how he should have taught his brother to cope with life instead of steal.
In the street outside, a shadowy figure watches all this from his limo. We find out it's Damon Dran, a villainous millionaire who wants control of "Project 4" and has captured Natasha and Danny French. He has them both shackled to his "Mind Probe" machine, to force them to reveal the whereabouts of the Project 4 orb.
Back at Natasha's North Shore mansion, Ivan wakes up Matt, who barely got any sleep since he was out hunting for Natasha all night. They turn on the morning news in time to hear the reporter's conjecture that since Daredevil and the Black Widow have been seen around the area, and the east coast lawyer Matt Murdock, who is known to have a relationship with Natasha Romanov, has recently moved to town, then Matt Murdock MUST BE DAREDEVIL! Matt is shocked, and tries to hatch a plan to get out of this one.
At Dran's, Natasha is lapsing into a coma from too much Mind Probe. Dran summons his assassin, the Blue Talon, to go find and kill Matt Murdock, in order to make Danny French talk. French refuses. Ivan finds a civilian who lives somewhere near Danny French, and roughs him up to find out where French lives. He then breaks into French's apartment and ransacks it for clues.
At the North Shore mansion, Daredevil gets the drop on the Blue Talon, who has come to kill Murdock. The police are summoned by neighbors when they hear the fight. Commissioner O'Hara arrives on the scene, wondering why he got mixed up with "a crackpot immigrant superhero". Just then, Matt gets out of a cab and comes over to introduce himself to the commissioner, who looks up to see Daredevil and the Blue Talon still duking it out. The unfortunate Blue Talon connects with a gas main and "BUKOOM!" He's toast.
O'Hara asks Matt to explain. "I thought... Matt jumps right in. ..that I was Daredevil? No, commissioner. The original Daredevil was my brother Mike Murdock... he died over a year ago, and ANOTHER Daredevil... whose identity I can't reveal... took over. Mike asked him to look after his blind sibling, so when I moved to Frisco... this NEW Daredevil came with you, eh? And teamed up with the Black Widow?" With all the press and the commissioner now snookered with this prevarication, Matt believes himself to be off the hook. (Oh, Matthew, you clever devil, you!)
Dran is outraged at the loss of Blue Talon and the foiled plot to get
Daredevil in order to force the information from Natasha and French.
A tall black man stands on the roof of a building, holding a full face
mask in one hand, and Daredevil's costume in the other. "Some guy, this
Murdock. Getting me out to the coast... giving me this mask... his
costume... all to keep his true identity a secret. Though only I among
costumed fighters of this world know the FACE behind the scarlet
mask... .Matt Murdock has nothing to fear from T'Challa, the Black
Daredevil (and other related characters appearing) and the
distinctive likenesses are Trademarks of Marvel Characters, Inc. and are
used WITHOUT permission.
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