Jack DiFalco portrayed Kevin Page, Karen's brother in DAREDEVIL Season 3. Here we talk about filming with Deborah Ann Woll, Lee Tergesen and Will Stout, and how much the role meant to him. Many thanks to him for the interview!
Kuljit Mithra: Thanks for speaking with me. I had interviewed your DAREDEVIL co-star Will Stout a few weeks ago and we had discussed many elements of the "Karen" episode of the show. Did you have a similar secretive audition? Did you know it was for DAREDEVIL and did you know what role you were reading for?
Jack DiFalco: I had no idea what role I was auditioning for. They gave me dummy sides and a false name. Came in, auditioned, and booked but didn’t even know who I was playing until I got to the studios for the table read. Not only that but my character had changed completely from the audition to the filming. It was quite an exciting acting exercise.
Mithra: How was it for you filming in the small town? Stout told me most of his scenes were at night, so he could avoid the local townspeople (and avoid giving away secrets).
DiFalco: I love filming in towns where there is very little street traffic and that’s exactly what this was. I very rarely saw anyone out and about or even any shops open. Though I was shooting everyday all day so if I wasn’t working I was sleeping. We were lucky enough to have great locations unfortunately it was freezing all the time and a lot of my stuff was outside. But again another great acting exercise that kept our pacing very quick.
Mithra: When you had your first read-through, what excited you most about Kevin Page?
DiFalco: Kevin Page was one of those characters that has been talked about a little throughout the first couple seasons of filming. I was ecstatic that I not only had a role with a lot of meat on the bones but my fellow actors I got to work with was a dream come true. It would have been disappointing if I got into the Marvel universe and didn’t get to fight or burn something down. I got very, very lucky.
Mithra: You got to work very closely with Deborah Ann Woll, and from what I gathered from my talk with Stout, there was only about a week or so of filming... what kind of preparation did you go over with Woll? You had a very good chemistry as siblings, but the one thing that impressed me was the portrayal of grief and how Kevin saw hope for Karen.
DiFalco: Yeah, me and Deb really hit it off straight from the table read and she remains a good friend. We worked a lot on our relationship before and during shooting. What they had gone through prior to the episode and what had gone on during the episode. We came up with and filled in all the holes we could find, but to care for a person as wonderful as Deb isn’t hard at all.
Mithra: Lee Tergesen played your father. What was it like working with a veteran actor like him?
DiFalco: Lee was great. I wasn’t too familiar with his work going into it but became very acquainted with his career very quickly. It’s always amazing to work with someone who’s been around the block so many times and he brought his "A" game every single second.
Mithra: When I spoke with Stout he said your fight had to be done in a few takes because of the trailer fire. What do you remember about that whole sequence, because there was a lot to coordinate there with no stunt people?
DiFalco: There was a lot to do and remember. We shot the whole thing in one night. Luckily I have a lot of fight experience and the fight director was incredible. It’s always hard to shoot with live rounds (ammo) and real fire and I’ll tell you even being 6 feet away from those flames it was HOT. On top of that we all decided to do our own stunts which took longer but allowed for more dynamic shots.
Mithra: The thing that has always stuck with me was your delivery of "I already lost Mom". What comes to mind when I bring up just that one line?
DiFalco: Well, personally I lost my father at a young age and I really drew from my experiences with my brother and the trauma that came along with all that. To have that be the last line of Kevin Page in that script was heart wrenching but also encases the purpose of Kevin and his protective nature towards Karen.
Mithra: Thanks for taking the time for the interview. With the current pandemic, how has it affected your professional work? I know you've done quite a bit of Broadway work, so this must have affected you with the closures. Are you able to work on other projects in the meantime? Thanks again.
DiFalco: I have been doing a lot of readings of new works and old. Have been trying to lend my hand to charity as much as I can and balance this brief pause with the opportunity to just breathe and focus on things outside of the business such as my home and reading.
It was a pleasure to talk about this incredible show with you as it holds a spot in my heart along with the many fans who love and support this show.
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