Daredevil CharactersKaren Page
Profile written by: Greg McQueen Was the secretary for Nelson and Murdock when the firm first opened up, and was Matt's lover. She knew that Matt is Daredevil. She broke up with Matt and left her job to find work as an actress, but unfortunately she took a wrong turn and ended up working as a porn star and became a heroin addict. Before she returned to New York she sold Matt's secret identity to one of the Kingpin's workers so she could buy more heroin. When she eventually got to New York, Matt's life was in ruins because of the Kingpin knowing his secret identity. However, Matt forgave her and helped her to get over her addiction. Her and Matt had recently got back together after a long split (due to the fact that Matt left New York for a substantial time following an affair with Typhoid Mary, and shortly after his return faked his death). She was working as 'Paige Angel' on a radio show at WFSK. She then left Matt to work in LA, but returned when she was tricked by Mysterio into believing she had AIDS. Bullseye killed her in issue #5 of Volume 2. |
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